“It’s OK to be nervous”

“It’s OK to be nervous”

Posted on
25th May 2017
Nerves are part of the decision making process

Tell a lead when they show nerves at making a decision:  “It’s OK to be nervous”    Often a lead just needs reassurance.  Tell them that this is completely normal.  Show empathy.  You don’t have to give them any wriggle room, merely recap why they want to make this decision and that they will be happy a year from now and wish they had made their decision much earlier.  Keep reassuring and reaffirm that making the decision is the right thing.  If this doesn’t work, change tack and state to the lead that since they can’t say ‘yes’, then they should say ‘no’.  This is said to get the lead to gain clarity of thought.  By you suggesting that they select a ‘no’ decision shows that you are not manipulating them and this often takes the pressure off that the lead is putting themselves under.  They then will likely say ‘yes’. It also gets rid of the “I want to think about it” objection.