Clarity often comes from Chaos

Clarity often comes from Chaos

Posted on
9th May 2017
Bees: Chaos the clarity
Honey Bees
Chaotic movement of bees results in clarity

Chaos and often conflict can turn our worlds upside down.  We do however know that making up or getting to the other side often feels good, so the sense of struggle was often worth it.  Chaos is potentially a necessary part of the journey.  So from the chaos can come clarity.  The question therefore is:  Why do so many people try and avoid chaos and conflict?  By avoiding chaos or conflict they could therefore be avoiding clarity.  Or the other extreme is where some perpetually stay in chaos or conflict, and don’t allow themselves to move through to clarity.  
Whether you avoid chaos/conflict or wallow in it, a better result may be to move through it, potentially to a place of clarity.