Easter Sales Surcharge

Easter Sales Surcharge

Posted on
27th Mar 2018
easter sales


So you have chosen to open on a public holiday because you know there will be an increase in potiential customers and sales. However you want to cover the costs of having to pay your staff extra while still maximising the sales opportunity. If you have decided to open because of the potiential increase of customers then why scare any of them away with extra costs. Consider the following:

If you increased prices because of the minimum wage would you put up a sign?

I don’t see price increase signs when butter goes up, or the price of electricity, or the minimum wage.  If I saw a sign stating prices were going up when the minimum wage had gone up I would probably have insight that the staff are only getting minimum wage, something I didn’t consider before. Its worth thinking is your sign highlighting an issue that you do not really want to advertise.

Get your pricing right.

Your pricing should cover all eventualities.  If opening on public holidays is in your business plan then you should allow for this in your pricing structure. I personally am not worried about the extra cost of dining on a holiday, but I am offended by it being brought up so I now have to think about it. 

Sell value not price.

I base my experience on the mix of quality, service and price.  I am accepting that a muffin can be $2 in places and $4.50 in others and what I consider is the value that I am getting whether it is the environment, atmosphere, volume, ingredients or taste, along with aesthetic appeal.  I am not thinking about the company’s cost, I am thinking about the value I am receiving.  Customers are always happy to pay more for what they see as valuable, so rather than charge extra on any given day, why not consider sharing that cost across the year and increasing your pricing from here on in.  If you increased your prices by 5% across the board, chances are people wouldn’t notice, and you would make so much more gross profit than you do by charging extra on public holidays.  And you wouldn’t have upset anyone with a sign that states surcharges are to be paid!