5 Minute Jobs

5 Minute Jobs

Posted on
17th May 2017
5 Minutes slips by
5 Minutes slips by

Five Minute Jobs rarely only take 5 minutes to complete, yet they occupy our minds, clutter up our ‘To Do’ lists, and generally become a nuisance until we either decide to abandon them or get focused to ‘knock them off’.  And even more frustrating is when we start a 5 minute job and don’t get to complete it!  So, take a look at all your 5 minute jobs, and purge the list of things that you are unlikely to get around to and won’t make that much of a difference whether they are done or not.  Then rank the remaining based on importance, and then group them together where it is possible or sensible to work on a number at the same time.  Set aside an hour (yes, not just 5 minutes!), and knock off as many as you can.  I appreciate that this is not rocket science, but that is true of so many things that make life easier.