Negotiable or Non Negotiable

Negotiable or Non Negotiable

Posted on
19th May 2017
Negotiable or Non Negotiable?

Office politics can have you spending much time chasing your tail, only to find out that all that was needed to do was to ask for something to be changed, or conversely, that no change was possible and there was little point arguing the point.  In future, try asking at the outset: “Is this negotiable?”  By knowing whether the situation is negotiable or not, it then assists you to work out your game plan.  If the situation is negotiable, put your case together.  If it is non-negotiable, make your decision on whether you will agree the decision, accept it under duress, or not accept it and potentially leave due to non-alignment.  Understanding whether there is room for negotiation removes a whole lot of worry and second guessing.  I accept that a non-negotiable situation may also become negotiable once you react to it, but keep in mind that you had to react to it in the first place to allow this to occur!