Profit is the outcome from doing the right things

Profit is the outcome from doing the right things

Posted on
22nd May 2017
Profit is an outcome

It is good to have a profit figure and percentage as a goal however the profit will only be derived if you do the right things.  Profit is derived from Sales (what you have sold) less Cost of Goods Sold (what it cost to make/buy them) and less Expenses (the costs of operating the business).  Increase your Sales (sell more or put prices up), decrease the Cost of Sales (make efficiency gains, negotiate with suppliers) and reduce Expenses (again make efficiency gains or negotiate with suppliers) and your profit can increase.  Too many companies only focus on one of these three areas.  Evaluate each one and have strategies to improve each area and your profit will benefit.  Focusing purely on sales/revenue generation doesn’t necessarily deliver a profit!