The Trans-Tasman bubble

The Trans-Tasman bubble

Posted on
7th Apr 2021
Trans-tasman pic of Australia


Plenty is being talked up regarding tourism, so I’ll leave that to other commentators.  I am keen to consider potential impacts on other sectors. 

With the OE dream now alive if Australia is seen as desirable, we may see a reversal of those who opted to study at tertiary institutions this year. Migratory patterns, in my mind, are where we should be paying attention.  There will be those who want to reunite with families, and those who see the welfare offering in NZ as more readily available. And those who are attracted by the potential of work. 

The ‘rub’ comes for those industries who have weathered the Covid storm well and are now in high demand.  Construction, food manufacturing to name a few. The question is whether those already employed and needed skilled staff will skip the ditch to look for perceived better incomes and opportunities.  If so, we may see further escalation of labour cost, and a slowing of industries as supply falters to meet demand.