Marketing requires you to take a stand and not get swayed by every other expert!
Not everyone can do the work of a surgeon or a dentist. The same is true of marketing - it requires a specialist. Some believe that they are great marketers but then struggle with internal battles and lose focus on fighting external ones. Defining what belongs, and what doesn’t within the marketing portfolio can also cause friction. Organisational strategy, sales initiatives and brand ownership are frequently areas of muddied responsibility.
I offer strategic marketing assistance. Objective guidance cuts through company politics and deals with marketing issues from an organisation-wide perspective, yet keeps ownership firmly sitting within the marketing portfolio.
Marketing has become over engineered and complicated. Marketing is purely the relationship that the company has with itself, its customers or prospective customers, its competitors and industry regulators. Simple. Value chains, needs analysis, supply chains, pricing strategies, marketing mix and the like all fit within this model.
Marketing needs to be proactive and reactive simultaneously. Marketing teams seldom achieve this. Brand positioning is often at odds with the company’s positioning, which is often at odds with the market.
I offer high level marketing advice including:
- Critiquing of marketing strategies
- Development of new products
- New products to market
- Challenge and rigour to marketing plans
- Marketing team audit of capability and capacity